Aswathy’s story is a little different from all the others we got to train at Oorjja, and we’re more than proud to see her as a Data Analyst at Expleo Group today. Hailing from Vaikom, she made it to Oorjja after completing from CSI College. She was optimistic about picking one of the courses at Oorjja and getting skilled at it, but showing up daily for hands-on training at Oorjja was something she’d never thought of doing from an early stage during the coursework.

It is only when we got in touch with Aswathy’s parents to raise our concern, we got to know that she is a passionate Volley Ball player too. We tried to make her parents understand the benefits of attending hands-on training classes to develop skills. Soon, Aswathy started showing up at Oorjja where she laid the foundation for other trainees to do the same. She learnt language and Data Analytics and got certified as an Excel Associate from Microsoft in not less than a few months. She was then selected by Expleo Group as Data Analyst in Chennai, and we believe that her journey has only just begun.

Recently too, when we got in touch with Aswathy’s parents, they told us that they’re quite surprised at how she became self-reliant while being away from home; that they still wonder about their child’s courage to travel all the way alone always. You’re an inspiration for many more around you, Aswathy! We wish you all the heights.

Let’s hear what Aswathy has to say about her coursework experience at Oorjja.

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